
YUNG-CHUNG LIN   Associate Professor


I graduated with a Master’s degree, Dept. of Philosophy at Tunghai University. Then I studied at the National Central University and obtained my PhD in 2007. I was post-doctoral researcher at Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica since 2010 to 2011.


Associate Professor (part time), Dept. of Philosophy, FJCU


東海大學哲學系    客座副教授
中央研究院歐美研究所 博士後研究員
中正大學政治學系   兼任副教授
交通大學通識教育中心 博士後研究員
逢甲大學通識教育中心 兼任副教授
華梵大學哲學系所   兼任副教授
醒吾科大通識教育中心 兼任副教授
中央警察大學     兼任講師


My research interest is recently Kant’s applied ethics. It includes three parts which are Kant’s environmental ethics, Kant’s bioethics, and Kant’s criticism to modern capitalism. Meanwhile my extension disciples are Kant’s philosophy and the social contract theory that is based on T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau and J. Rawls.


LIN Yung-Chung, “The Life Education in Value Pluralism Society—An Application from Rawls’s A Theory of Justice,” in Dialogue between the Classics and Human Life, pp. 99-108, ed. by dept. of philosophy and Life Education, Chiayi: Nanhua University, 2012.
LIN Yung-Chung, “The Justification of the Conception of Corporative Citizenship from Kant’s Moral Philosophy,” Doctoral Dissertation of Graduate Institute of Philosophy at National Center University, 2007.
LIN Yung-Chung (with co-author HSIAO Hung En …et al.), Philosophy and Human Life, Taipei: Yang-Chih Book Co., Ltd, 2005.
LIN Yung-Chung, “A Comparative Study of Paradox Language between Zhuangzi and Wittgenstein,” master’s thesis of dept. of philosophy at Tunghai University, 1986.


  • LIN Yung-Chung, “On Animal Right from Kant’s Conception of indirect duty,” Applied Ethics Review, No. 56 (Apr. 2014):9-22.
  • 〈德性、關懷與公義實踐----當代德性倫理學復甦的挑戰〉,「生命心靈與哲學實踐」學術研討會,台北:華梵大學哲學系,2014年5月17-18日
  • 〈關懷倫理學的哲學諮商觀點及其問題〉(與游惠瑜合著),「哲學諮商與實踐智慧」學術研討會,台北:華梵大學哲學系,2013年5月26-27日
  • 〈關懷倫理學取向的幸福哲學教育〉(與游惠瑜合著),「哲學教育與教育哲學」學術研討會,嘉義:南華大學哲學與生命教育學系,2013年5月16-17日
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “Between rechtlich-burgerlichen Gesellschaft and ethisch-burgerlichen Gesellschaft: On the Involution of Political Philosophy in Rawls and Kant,” Aletheia (AHCI Core), No. 24 (Jan. 2013):169-200.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “The Gap between the People-based Thought and the Democracy—A Reflection from Rousseau, HUANG Zong-Xi, and Rawls,” in LAO Sze-Kwang’s Thoughts and Contemporary Philosophical Culture, pp. 260-273, ed. by Dept. of philosophy at Huafan University, Taipei: Huafan University, 2012.
  • 〈「利害關係者民主」中的隱喻及其問題〉,2011年台灣哲學學會學術研討會:真理、善與生活──哲學之饗宴。台北,台北醫學大學,2011年10月22-23日。
  • 〈隱喻或規範?──利害關係者民主中「民主」的要素〉,第二屆『道』與『德』研討會──中西倫理學的新視野。台北,文化大學哲學系,2011年5月21-22日。
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “Kant on the Duty of Virtue and Oneself’s End,” Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture (AHCI), Vol. 36, No. 2 (Feb.2009): 93-117.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “The Ideal End in Kant’s Philosophy of Culture,” in The Ideal and Practice of Philosophy of Culture, pp. 309-323, ed. by dept. of philosophy at Huafan University, Taipei: Huafan University, 2009.
  • 〈目的論與義務論的交會點:康德論促進他人的幸福為目的〉,台灣哲學會「科學、規範與實踐理性」學術研討會,台北:政治大學,2008年10月25-26日。
  • 〈康德論商業組織及其蘊涵的意義〉,「文化與變遷」學術研討會。台北:醒吾科技大學,2008年1月22日。
  • 〈企業作為一個道德社群──一個康德式的觀點〉, 應用倫理學學術研討會,宜蘭:佛光大學哲學系,2006年5月5-6日。
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “The Justification of the Stakeholder Theory—A Kantian Perspective,” Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture (AHCI), Vol. 32, No. 8 (Aug.2005): 71-92.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “Political Practice and Value Neutrality—from the Different Perspectives between Rawls and Raz,” Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture (AHCI), Vol. 32, No. 6 (Jun.2005): 35-52.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “Book Review: Lynn Sharp Paine’s Value Shift,” Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture (AHCI), Vol. 32, No. 8 (Aug.2005): 167-171.
  • 〈以心著性或以意著性?--劉蕺山誠意慎獨之學的定位之疑義〉,《儒研中心通訊》,創刊號(2004)。
  • 〈孟子為什麼不是康德所批評的「道德的狂熱」?〉,「康德與儒學」學術研討會,中壢:國立中央大學儒學研究中心,2004年9月24日。
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “The Business Ethic of Taiwan Media at SARS Event in 2003,” Newsletter for Research of Applied Ethics, No. 28 (Oct.2003): 20-24.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “The Problems for Business Ethic of Private Policy in Website,” Newsletter for Research of Applied Ethics, No. 23 (Jul.2002): 44-53.
  • 〈從價值多元論思考多元入學方案〉,「儒學與教育」學術研討會,花蓮,花蓮師範學院:鵝湖月刊社,2002年12月28日。
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “The Ethical Problems of Private Policy in Cyberspace,” Annual General Education, No. 2 (2000): 89-109.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “On the Conception of Time on Mūlamadhyamakakārikā,” Chinese Culture Monthly, No. 238 (2000): 45-58.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “To Analysis of the Legislation Category for Euthanasia,” The Biweekly for Dynamic Analysis of National Policy, No. 3 (1991.03.06): 12-16.
  • LIN Yung-Chung, “K. Popper’s Falsification and Its Problems,” Tunghai Philosophy, No. 7 (1985): 3-12.


Lin Daniel’s Logic Classroom:

Website for the Research of Corporate Citizenship:

The Philosophy within Life:

Website for Writing of Philosophical Article:

SUBJECT:Introduction to Philosophy