2023.11.22 法國哲學週在輔大--MOTS ET MAUX DE LA SCIENCE 科學之可道與不可道

2023.11.22 法國哲學週在輔大--MOTS ET MAUX DE LA SCIENCE 科學之可道與不可道

【主題】法國哲學週在輔大--MOTS ET MAUX DE LA SCIENCE 科學之可道與不可道

【講者】Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond (法國尼斯大學榮譽教授、物理學家、知名作家)



【地址】新北市新莊區中正路510 (捷運輔大站1號出口)


【主辦單位】中華民國法語教師協會(APFT, Association des Professeurs de Français de Taïwan)、輔仁大學法文系、哲學系

【報名】https://forms.gle/QFkCwkLTF3KhXdSr8 (報名截止:2023/11/19)



Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond,法國尼斯大學榮譽教授,曾任法國國家科學研究中心研究員、巴黎第七大學教授,並在尼斯大學物理系、哲學系和傳播學系任教。他的研究主要涉及理論和數學物理以及知識論,致力於「將科學帶入文化」。


The French Department and Philosophy Department of Fujen Catholic University and the APFT are pleased to invite you to our next conference entitled Words and Evils of Science (科學之可道與不可道), which will be held on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in room LI400 of Fu-Jen Catholic University.

We have the privilege of welcoming Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, emeritus French physicist from the University of Nice and recognized essayist, as a speaker. His presentation will focus on a subject that is attracting more and more interest: the language of science.

In a world where science is omnipresent, the way we communicate about it is crucial. The words we use, their precision and their accessibility are all factors that influence our understanding of science. Mr. Lévy-Leblond's conference will explore the challenges and issues related to scientific terminology, as well as its role in the dissemination of knowledge, thus emphasizing that words are not only tools, but also elements of scientific culture.

We hope you will join us for this engaging conference, which is aimed at science enthusiasts and linguists alike. This is the perfect opportunity to think about how language shapes our perception of the scientific world.